How to Buy a Designer Handbag Online
I love vintage handbags. For many brands, vintage quality far surpasses current quality. Vintage Chanel quilting is neater and thicker. Vintage Louis Vuitton monogram canvas is more durable. The list goes on and on. Elements that are considered “extra” now, such as leather lining, were standard in the past.
Many of you have asked me how I make sure the bags I buy online are authentic. The fear of spending thousands of dollars only to receive a fake keeps many from buying pre-loved or vintage bags. Don’t let it stop you. Despite my trained eye, I have received fakes too! Here are my tips to mitigate your risk.
This XL vintage jumbo with XL gold hardware was my first vintage Chanel purchase from eBay.
Do Your Research
Make sure the brand actually made that specific bag. This seems like a no-brainer but an important one that people frequently overlook. I have seen bags that are a mishmash of two different styles in one bag, the first sign that it is a fake.
Make sure the bag was produced in that specific style, color, and hardware option. This means researching the bag, counting stitching, puffs, making sure the logos line up. This is time intensive but well worth it. The more you do it, the more you’ll know about the brand and the quicker and easier it will become.
Get the Bag Authenticated
The Purse Forum (TPF) is one of the best places where handbag enthusiasts happily authenticate bags for free. Read the forum rules closely to make sure you’re following them.
Yoogis Closet is a great resource for authentication guides. Find them here.
You can also pay to get bags authenticated for as low as $10. Professional authenticators typically specialize by brand and can provide quicker turnaround than TPF.
Consider websites that authenticate on the back-end
Some websites like Fashionphile, Tradesy and The Real Real provide 100% authentication guarantees.
While I still recommend authenticating when you receive your handbag if you’re unsure, this guarantee relieves a lot of stress.
If you’re buying from e-Bay you should look at several things:
a. Buyer feedback. You should be skeptical of zero feedback sellers, especially if they’re based abroad. Although everyone has to start somewhere, you don’t need to be the test case.
b. Consistency. Does this seller typically sell higher-end items? If not, beware.
c. Too Good to be True. I love a good deal and have gotten many great ones on ebay, Tradesy, and other websites throughout the years. But a super-low price means you should increase your skepticism and do even more due diligence.
d. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS use Paypal for buyer protection. Walk away from any seller who tries to get you to pay off the platform
I was thisclose to being scammed and realized that there are some other steps you can take to protect yourself.
Google the seller on any platform where items are sold by individual sellers.
Most scammers are lazy and want to make a quick buck. They do not take the time to think of new usernames for eBay, Tradesy, Poshmark etc. Check out their other listings, if they have any. In my case, the other listings raised red flags for me because they included pictures that were different than the ones I saw on Tradesy.
2. Google the images themselves.
Google image search the images the seller uploads. If you see the same pictures on websites that sell counterfeit goods, then pass.
Sometimes, the images aren’t from counterfeit websites but from OTHER authentic listings which means, they stole the pictures. Pass as well.
3. Google the numbers on the authenticity card.
The numbers on a Chanel authenticity card are unique to each and every bag. No two bags will have the same numbers.
Scammers often repeat numbers. Search the numbers themselves to see if they pop up anywhere else on the web.